• Volume 25,Issue 2,2024 Table of Contents
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    • >Review
    • Progress in Gene Regulation of Plant Floral Organ Development

      2024, 25(2):151-161. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230811001

      Abstract (363) HTML (152) PDF 833.34 K (2447) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As the reproductive organ of angiosperms, the flowers are a vital part of plants and a prime basis for the study of plant evolution andclassification. The development of the floral organ is affected by a variety of factors, such as the external environment and internal physiology, leading to different traits in different species or among the same species, and genes, as the key factors therein, play a vital role in the whole process, and the role of their genes in the regulation of floral development has been a hot topic of research. The five whorls of structures of the calyx, corolla, stamen, pistil, and ovule of the floral organ are regulated by five categories of genes, A, B, C, D, and E, in the AE model of floral development, and these genes form a complex gene regulatory network in the process of floral organ development. The expression or silencing of each category of genes leads to structural changes in the floral organs, but there are differences among different species. In this paper, we reviewed the regulatory roles of MADS-box, AP2/ERF gene family members AP1, AP2, AP3, PI, AG, SEP, AGL6, SHP, STK, and other genes such as NAP, SPL, TGA, PAN, and WOX in the construction of floral organs, and the effects of genes in the development of floral organs at the molecular level were analyzed. The influence of genes on floral organ development at the molecular level was also analyzed. This study provides a reference for further understanding the role of genes in the regulation of floral organ development in various plants.

    • The Role of Myo-inositol Metabolism in Plants Response to Abiotic Stress

      2024, 25(2):162-170. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230717003

      Abstract (462) HTML (129) PDF 781.08 K (1326) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abiotic stress limits plant growth and development, causes yield losses in crops, and severe abiotic stress can even result in the death of plant. Plants have evolved a series of stress response mechanisms to adapt to abiotic stress, including the myo-inositol (MI) metabolic pathway. MI represents a class of small polar molecules with stable chemical properties. Plants can respond to a variety of abiotic stress by participating in osmoregulatory pathways through accumulating the glycoside derivatives of MI. Myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase (MIPS), inositol monophosphate phosphatase (IMP), and myo-inositol oxygenase (MIOX) play a role in the process of the biosynthesis or decomposition of MI. They are involved in the synthesis of L-ascorbic acid (L-AsA) and cell wall polysaccharides by regulating the content of MI in plant and a series of subsequent complex transformation pathways, and ultimately response to abiotic stresses such as salt, drought, alkali, and low temperature. This paper reviewed the research progress of the structure, biological functions of MI, MI metabolic pathway-related enzymes and its derivatives in plants response to abiotic stresses, providing an outlook to the future research focuses. This study aims to provide a theoretical basis for enhancing plant resistance to abiotic stresses by utilizing MI metabolism and breeding stress-resistant plant varieties.

    • >Research Articles
    • Phenotypic Identification and Genetic Mapping of Male Sterility Mutant ms20s2 in Maize

      2024, 25(2):171-183. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230521001

      Abstract (189) HTML (208) PDF 2.55 M (892) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The maize male-sterile 20s2ms20s2) is a pollen-free genic male sterility mutant that was identified in maize inbred line KWS49. Compared with wild type (WT), the mutant anthers were small and whitish without pollen grains. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations showed that no pollen mother cells undergoing meiosis were observed in the anthers of the ms20s2 at V9 stage. The anther cuticular was abnormal, and failed to generate ubisch bodies on the inner surface of the anther wall of ms20s2 at tasseling stage. By analyzing the paraffin sections of anthers from different developmental stages, some middle layer cells and tapetum cells of the ms20s2 anther underwent abnormal division from S6 to S7 stages compared to WT, leading to the anther wall shrinking, abnormal meiosis and death of the pollen mother cells, and finally male sterility. The segregation analysis in an F2 population revealed that the male sterility of the ms20s2 mutant was controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene. By genotyping with the maize 10K SNP chip, the causal gene was preliminarily mapped to the 6.21 Mb region on the long arm of chromosome 2. The physical interval was further delimited to 590 kb, where a known protein-coding gene MS32Zm00001eb106620) is present. Sequencing analysis of the MS32 gene revealed a 3166 bp insertion in the exon 4 of ms20s2, and this insertion might result in abnormal anther development and male sterility. Allelism test showed that the ms20s2 was a new allelic variation of maize male sterile gene MS32. The MS32 gene was expressed in maize anthers at S6 and S7 stages, which provided additional evidence in regulating the development of tapetum and middle layer of maize anthers.

    • The Resistance Investigation and Mapping Analysis of Fusarium Crown Rot for Wheat Accessions

      2024, 25(2):184-192. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230718001

      Abstract (288) HTML (289) PDF 1.52 M (1135) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By applying the millet grains as pathogen medium, we inoculated the 163 wheat germplasm accessions which widely cultivated currently. No immune or highly resistant wheat accessions were identified, while the resistance variations estimated by disease index (DI) were found following a normal distribution 13.28-83.33 in greenhouse and 10.27-73.89 in field, respectively. The correlation coefficient, based on the phenotype collected from greenhouse seedling assay and field trials was 0.79, supporting a high correlation on resistance at the seedling and adult stages. Furthermore, the genome-wide association study (GWAS) found significant SNPs distributed on all chromosomes of wheat, with enrichment on chromosome 2A with an interval from 725 Mb to 763 Mb. This was in keeping with the results of the bulked segregant analysis (BSA), which revealed significant SNPs distributed from 730 Mb to 750 Mb on chromosome 2A. GWAS and BSA indicated a significant resistance locus, which resided from 730 Mb to 750 Mb on chromosome 2A and associated with fusarium crown rot (FCR) infection. This study can provide important reference for identifying resistant wheat materials and exploring FCR resistant loci in wheat.

    • Evaluation of Agropyron cristatum 1PS and 1PL Translocation Chromosome in Different Wheat Backgrounds for Plant Architecture Improvement

      2024, 25(2):193-205. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230810002

      Abstract (222) HTML (165) PDF 2.35 M (824) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Agropyron cristatum L. (2n = 4x = 28, PPPP) with a large amount of alien elite genes are valuable genetic resources for the genetic improvement of wheat. According to previous studies, the genes on chromosome 1P of A.cristatum can improve plant leaf shape. However, it is unclear that the leaf shape changes and possible linkage drag exist in the translocation lines. The aim of this study is to detect the genetic effect of wheat-A.cristatum translocation lines T1PS·1AL and T1AS·1PL on major agronomic traits in different wheat backgrounds, in which wheat-A.cristatum translocation lines 1PS and 1PL were crossed with eight common wheat varieties, followed by investigation and analysis of agronomic traits in F2 segregation population. The results showed that A.cristatum chromosome short arm 1PS reduced the length of top third leaves and its plant height reduction level was 3-8 cm while no significant difference on yield traits were discovered. Furthermore, the plant phenotype of the translocation line T1AS·1PL were shaped with a decrease in the grain yield than those of non-translocation plants. Offspring performance of translocation Chromosome in related to both wheat genetic backgrounds and A.cristatum alien chromosome. Finally, we screened 75 F2 individual plants with favourable leaf shape and unchanged yield traits to be used for wheat breeding. In conclusion, this study reported two pre-breeding germplasms of wheat-A. cristatum 1P translocation lines had significant genetic effects on plant architecture improvement, which could guide the future utilization of A. cristatum 1P chromosome translocation fragments.

    • Detection and Distribution of Dwarf Genes of Wheat Varieties in Gansu Province

      2024, 25(2):206-217. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230804001

      Abstract (127) HTML (62) PDF 796.26 K (701) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Landrace are important germplasm resources for wheat breeding. In order to uncover the distribution of dwarfing genes in landraces, we detected the allelic variation types of dwarfing genes and their distribution frequencies in different wheat regions of Gansu province. The results showed that: (1) the frequency of Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b in landraces was extremely low. 41.4% of landraces carried Rht8, with higher frequency in spring wheat regions than in winter wheat regions. 46.7% of landraces contained Rht24b, with lower frequency in spring wheat regions than in winter wheat regions. The frequency of Ppd-D1a was only 17.8%, with lower frequency in spring wheat regions than in winter wheat regions. In addition, only three combinations (Rht-D1b/Rht8Rht-D1b/Rht24b, and Rht8/Rht24b) were detected, with frequencies of 0.2%, 0.5%, and 12.8%, respectively. (2) The frequency and combination distribution of dwarfing genes carried by landraces were lower than those of cultivars, and the differences were significant. Different sources of cultivars carried the different dominant dwarfing allelic variations and frequencies. Cultivars Qingshui test station mainly carried Rht-D1bRht8, and Rht24b, cultivars from Huangyang test station mainly carried Rht-B1bRht-D1bRht8, and Rht24b, and cultivars from Gangu test station mainly carried Rht8 and Rht24b.Cultivars from Qingshui and Huangyang test station had dwarf stature and high yield potential, suitable for wheat breeding in Hexi and Yellow River irrigation areas,Longnan and Longdong. Cultivars from Gangu test station had higher plant height and better disease resistance, suitable for disease improvement in dryland wheat in Dingxi, Tianshui, Longnan, and Longdong, etc. (3) Based on the molecular marker results, 15 landraces and 31 cultivars were selected with two or more dwarfing genes (including dwarfing genes or Ppd-D1a), which can provide parental materials for wheat breeding in different wheat areas of Gansu.

    • Retrospective Analysis of Wheat Varieties Nationally Approved for the Northern Winter Wheat Region Based on GYT Biplot

      2024, 25(2):218-226. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230730001

      Abstract (158) HTML (98) PDF 988.86 K (736) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The northern winter wheat region (NWWR) is one of the main wheat producing areas in China. A retrospective analysis of the nationally approved wheat varieties will facilitate rational utilization of wheat varieties in the region. Genotype by yield×trait (GYT) biplot analysis was used to cluster and evaluate 47 wheat varieties that were nationally approved for NWWR during 2003-2023, based on the combinations of grain yield with other target traits including maturity date, spike number per hectare, grain number per spike, 1000-kernels weight, test weight, quality index, disease resistance index, and cold resistance index. The results showed that these wheat varieties could be classified into four distinct variety types. Type I includes eight varieties, i.e. Jingmai 179, Jingnong 16, Jinmai 3118, et al, characterized by outstanding performance in the combination of earliness, disease resistance, cold resistance, 1000-kernels weight and test weight, and good performance in the combination of yield and spike number, grain number per spike and a quality index, and which showed the highest value in production. Type II varieties comprised of 13 varieties, including Jingmai 202, Jingnong 19, Lunxuan 158, et al, characterized by superior combination of yield with a quality index and spike number, but slightly poor combinaiton between yield and disease resistance and cold tolerance. These varieties are valuable in wheat production in the region as soon as diseases and winterkill are under control. Type III varieties had the best combination of yield with disease resistance and cold resistance index, but were poor in combination between yield and other traits. Therefore, their value in production is limited, but could be used as disease-resistant parents in wheat breeding. Type IV varieties were poor in overall yield×trait combination; but some may be outstanding in a single and can be used as breeding parents. Based on the projection position of each variety on the average yield×trait axis (ATA) of the GYT biplot, Jingmai 179, Jingnong 16, Jinmai 3118, Jingmai 189, Jingmai 202, Jinghua 12, Jingnong 19, Lunxuan 158 and Zhongmai 623 were identified to have superior overall yield×trait combination. This study provided reference for the use of GYT biplot for comprehensive wheat cultivar evaluation and classification based on yield×trait combinations for the NWWR, which can be applied to other crops and regions.

    • Study on the Relationship Between Peanut Quality and Climatic Environments

      2024, 25(2):227-236. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230728001

      Abstract (212) HTML (83) PDF 1.56 M (849) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Peanut is an important oil and cash crop widely distributed in China, and climate change has a significant impact on its quality. In the actual production process, different peanut varieties have different adaptations to different ecological regions. Therefore, it is necessary to study the relationship between peanut quality and climate resources. In order to further study the influence of various geographical environment factors during peanut growth, this study explored the influence of geographical environment on peanut quality based on peanut quality traits in 30 environments of 12 peanut varieties and their corresponding geographical environments from 2018 to 2020, using descriptive statistics, coefficient of variation, AMMI model, correlation and multiple linear regression analysis.It was found that the oil content was positively correlated with active accumulated temperature (≥10 °C) and sunshine hours during the whole growth period. The protein content was significantly negatively correlated with the latitude and average wind speed. The oleic acid content was positively correlated with the average relative humidity and average daily temperature.Linoleic acid was positively correlated with latitude and negatively correlated with average daily temperature. The results show that temperature, precipitation, temperature difference between day and night, sunshine hours during the whole growth period, average wind speed and relative humidity were the main climatic factors affecting the quality of peanuts. The results of this study provide a basis and technical guidance for the comprehensive development and utilization of regional quality geographical advantages of peanut production.

    • Collection and Identification of Wild Fortunella hindsii Germplasm Resources in Gannan, Southern Jiangxi Province of China

      2024, 25(2):237-248. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230717001

      Abstract (198) HTML (172) PDF 2.92 M (823) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Through cooperating with the fruit industry authorities of counties (districts) in Gannan (southern Jiangxi province, China) and visiting fruit farmers, we conducted the survey of wild Fortunella hindsii germplasm resources and collected 716 samples for phenotype characterization. The F. hindsii germplasm resources were found in Anyuan, Longnan, Zhanggong, Chongyi, Yudu, Xinfeng and other counties (districts) in Gannan, Jiangxi province, China. It can be divided into wild and artificial transplantation, and the main habitat is primeval forest, forest, valleys, hills and bonsai. There were phenotypic variations at 16 traits including tree posture, internode length, thorn number, thorn length, leaf length, leaf width, petiole, leaf shape, wing leaf, leaf tip lack of engraving, single fruit weight, fruit surface main-color, fruit surface variegation, seed number, oil cell obviousness, and peel thickness. Based on the phenotypic datasets, these samples were classified into four categories at Euclidean distance equal to 17.5, and further less than 14 into 8 subgroups. Principal component analysis was performed based on 16 traits identified 6 principal components with eigenvalues greater than 1 and associating with agronomic traits. To meet the need of citrus industry, 3 thornless, 34 seedless, 67 big-fruit and 12 late-ripening were selected. To sum up, the results of wild F. hindsii in Gannan have clear valuable for the commercial breeding of new F. hindsii varieties and the development of the citrus industry in future.

    • The Phenotypic Diversity Analysis of Ancient Tea Germplasm Resources in Jiulong County, Sichuan Province, China

      2024, 25(2):249-258. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230731001

      Abstract (171) HTML (90) PDF 1.28 M (798) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To explore the distribution area, morphological characteristics, and genetic diversity of agronomic traits of Jiulong ancient tea germplasm resources in Ganzi, Sichuan province, China. 21 qualitative traits and 12 quantitative traits in 67 Jiulong ancient tea germplasm resources were evaluated, followed by the genetic diversity using basic statistical analysis, coefficient of variation, diversity index, principal component analysis and cluster analysis. The results showed that Jiulong ancient tea resources had rich variation at different agronomic traits. Except for tree type and growth habit, the genetic diversity index of qualitative traits ranges from 0.17 to 1.27, with an average of 0.82. Among them, the smallest of diversity index is petal color, and the largest is the fruit shape. The coefficient of variation of quantitative traits ranges from 1.38% to 29.94%, with an average of 15.27%. The highest coefficient of variation is leaf area, while the lowest is the number of sepal. Principal component analysis showed that the cumulative contribution rate of the first 11 principal components was 76.49%, among which leaf width, leaf length, leaf color, and petal color were the main factors that affected the differences at agronomic traits of Jiulong ancient tea germplasm resources. The cluster analysis showed that these ancient tea resources divided into four categories when the distance coefficient was 16.9, and the clustering results have no significant correlation with altitude and region. Among the germplasm resources investigated in this study, 13 of them are located at an altitude of 2400 meters or above, showing good growth, satisfactory cold and drought resistance. In addition, there are two germplasms with unique petal color and one germplasm has larger grains and higher fruiting rate. The results laid a foundation for the collection, protection, and utilization of germplasm resources of Jiulong ancient tea germplasm resources.

    • Ala179Val Mutation in Rice Acetolactate Synthase Confers Broad-spectrum Resistance to ALS Inhibitor Herbicides

      2024, 25(2):259-269. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230628004

      Abstract (181) HTML (79) PDF 2.18 M (724) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To characterize the resistance of the novel rice mutant ALS179 to acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibiting herbicides, this study analyzed the Ethyl Methyl Sulfone (EMS)-mutagenized novel rice mutant ALS179, together with wild-type Huahang31 (HH31), imidazolinone-tolerant rice ALS627 mutant, treated by four types of ALS-inhibiting herbicides by either seed coating or seedling spray treatment at different concentrations. The phenotypes and enzyme activity indexes were further determined to investigate the resistance of the mutant ALS179. The results showed that the mutant ALS179 showed various degrees of resistance to benensulfuron, imazethapyr, bispyribac-sodium and pyroxsulam after herbicide coating for seed soaking and seedling spraying, and the activities of acetolactate synthase, peroxidase, catalase and superoxide dismutase tended to decrease with increasing herbicide concentration. The enzyme activities of acetolactate synthase, superoxide dismutase, catalase, and peroxidase were higher in ALS179 than in wild-type HH31 under all treatment conditions, except for imidazoleisonicotinic acid treatment condition at high concentration where the enzyme activities of catalase and peroxidase were lower than those of wild-type HH31.Collectively, we found that the Ala179Val mutation conferred broad-spectrum resistance to ALS-inhibiting herbicides and provided genetic germplasm resources for the subsequent breeding of ALS-inhibiting herbicide broad-spectrum resistant rice lines.

    • QTL Mapping and Candidate Genes Analysis for Ear Length in Maize Population Derived from High-Generation Sister Lines

      2024, 25(2):270-278. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230717002

      Abstract (143) HTML (65) PDF 824.08 K (750) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The ear length, which associates to the number of grains per ear and the yield production, is one of the important traits in maize breeding. It is of great significance to explore QTL and genes related to ear length traits in its genetic improvement. In this study, two high-generation sister lines showing significant difference on ear length were used to generate a F2 population and derived F2:3 population. Both parents and the F2 population lines were genotyped using the Maize6H-60K Gene Chip. The ear length in the F2 and F2:3 populations were measured and subjected for QTL mapping by three statistical methods ICIM, GCIM and dQTG-seq. The results showed that 7 QTLs and 43 QTNs related to ear length were identified by three methods, each of which explained the phenotypic variation of 2.04%-10.24%. A stable QTL qEL6.01 on chromosome 6 was found by different methods. According to the results of gene annotation in the qEL6.01 and the expression profile data of reference genes, five candidate genes Zm00001d035514Zm00001d035526Zm00001d035537Zm00001d035553 and Zm00001d035535 were proposed associating with ear length. Collectively, these results laid a foundation for the future gene isolation and their use in ear length improvement in maize.

    • Identification and Transcriptional Profile Analysis of IPT Gene Family Members in Ginger

      2024, 25(2):279-293. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230802002

      Abstract (158) HTML (134) PDF 3.30 M (696) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Ginger is an important vegetable crop that can be used as medicine and food, but it is sensitive to various biotic and abiotic stresses during its cultivation, which is detrimental to the safe production. Isopentenyl-transferases (IPTs) are key enzymes that catalyze the biosynthesis of cytokinin and are also important rate-limiting enzymes of cytokinin, and it is closely related to the stress resistance of plants. Here, ten ZoIPTs had been identified from ginger genome through the bioinformatics analysis, designated ZoIPT1~ZoIPT10. The encoded protein ranged from 283 to 491 amino acids, with the molecular weight of 31.14 to 54.02 kDa, and the isoelectric point pI of 4.97 to 9.37. All these ZoIPTs were predicted to be hydrophilic. Transcriptome data analysis showed that ZoIPTs showed tissue-specific transcriptional patterns and could respond to stress treatments such as disease and low temperature. ZoIPT3 and ZoIPT5 were highly expressed at different growth stages, different tissues, and in response to low temperature and disease stress. qRT-PCR analysis showed that ZoIPTs was responsive to drought, flooding and salt stress. Under flooding and salt treatment conditions, the significant induction of ZoIPT3 in rhizomes was observed. Under drought stress, the expression of ZoIPT5 in leaves and rhizomes were significantly increased. In summary, with the results of the systematic identification, evolutionary analysis, characteristic analysis, promoter analysis, as well as transcriptional pattern analysis, and analyzed the expression patterns of ZoIPT genes under drought, flooding and salt stress, this study provided a theoretical basis for further in-depth research on the biological functions of ZoIPTs in regulating growth and development and stress responses in ginger.

    • >Short Communications
    • Analysis of Fruit Trait Genetics in F1 Plants of Pyrus Species

      2024, 25(2):294-302. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230625001

      Abstract (161) HTML (110) PDF 740.79 K (761) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To provide reference for pear breeding, the genetic basis of fruit traits was investigated through three consecutive years, by taking use of F1 plants of seven hybridization combinations with Yanbiandaxiangshui as female parent, Hongxiangsu,Zaosu,Red clapp favorite,Jinsu,Jinmi,Eliyihao and Yunhongyihao as male parents. The results of F1 hybrids showed a central tendency at seven traits, including single fruit weight, fruit diameter, fruit length, stalk length, stalk thickness, fruit shape index, and soluble sugar content. The single fruit weight has a strong genetic tendency towards small fruit. The coefficient of variation at soluble solid content and fruit shape index was small, while the genetic transmissibility were high. The inheritance of stalk diameter tended to be medium to low, while the inheritance of stalk length, fruit diameter and fruit length tended to be medium to high. The traits including background color, persistency of sepals, depth of eye basin, flesh texture, juice, and flavor were greatly contributed by the maternal parent.Width of eye basin inherited tend to medium and aroma was influenced by male parents. The cover color variation was observed following the laws of intergenerational inheritance. Collectively, the results provided reference for studying the genetic laws of pear fruit traits and selecting parents for hybrid breeding.

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