• Volume 25,Issue 3,2024 Table of Contents
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    • >Review
    • Research Progress on Mining and Utilization of Gene Resources in Dasypyrum villosum (L.) Candargy

      2024, 25(3):303-311. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230706001

      Abstract (228) HTML (80) PDF 723.02 K (844) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Dasypyrum villosum (L.) Candargy is one of wild relatives of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). It is also the genetic resources for wheat improvement and has been widely used in recent years. In the long-term evolution process, D. villosum evolved many important agronomic traits, such as resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses, excellent quality, which are useful in wheat genetic improvement. This review paper briefly describes the homologous relationship between D. villosum and T. aestivum, the hybridization affinity with Triticum, and the effective methods for introgressing D. villosum chromosome disease,chromosome segments and genes into T. aestivum. The resistance genes of D. villosum to powdery mildew disease, sheath blight disease, stripe rust disease, eye spot disease, yellow mosaic disease, take-all disease, and cyst nematode disease on chromosome, the quality genes (such as : high lysine content and polymorphic storage protein, etc.), the drought tolerance, photoperiod and other genes were also reviewed. The application and great value of powdery mildew resistance genes of Pm21 and PmV in wheat improvement and breeding were introduced. The future research prospects and possible problems on D. villosum research were prospected.This review might provide reference for exploring and utilizing the beneficial genes of D. villosum, to broaden wheat genetic resources, accelerate the breeding process and functional investigation of important genes.

    • Application of CRISPR/Cas9 Technology in Tropical Crops Breeding

      2024, 25(3):312-322. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20231010001

      Abstract (220) HTML (95) PDF 719.40 K (814) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Tropical crops, including banana, papaya, sugarcane, cassava, rubber tree, oil palm, etc, are of importance in Chinese agriculture, which not only provide raw materials for our daily life and industrial and agricultural production, but also contribute to the main agricultural output and economic growth in tropical and subtropical zones of China. There are many barriers in tropical crops in use of modern molecular breeding techniques, such as polyploidy, heterozygous, vegetative propagation, long juvenile phase and large size of plants, etc. The genetic improvement of tropical crops through conventional breeding is troublesome, time-consuming, low efficiency and less progress. The development of genome editing technologies has brought a new way in tropical crops breeding. CRISPR-Cas9 mediated genome editing has been widely used in plants, profited from its higher targeting efficiency, versatility and ease of usage. This approach has been applied in banana, cassava, rubber tree, and sugarcane. Here, we focus on the recent advances based on CRISPR/Cas9 methodologies, and summarize their application in tropical crops breeding, as well as propose future perspectives and challenges in improving tropical plants.

    • Progress in Hybrid Breeding of Wild Orchids Listed in the National First-class Plant Protection Catalog

      2024, 25(3):323-339. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230809001

      Abstract (131) HTML (127) PDF 1.54 M (806) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:There are 33 wild orchids listed in the national first-class plant protection catalog of China, belonging to several genera including Paphiopedilum Pfitzer, Cypripedium L., Cymbidium Sw., Dendrobium Sw., Phalaenopsis Blume, and Calanthe R. Br.. These species have important ornamental and medicinal value. The registration status of hybrids, their parents selection, pollination and sowing time selection, intergeneric hybridization progress and problems in hybrid breeding of these species have been reviewed. Based on the current breeding situation future breeding directions are proposed. To date, 3611 hybrids with the national first-class wild orchids as parents have been registered in Royal Horticultural Society. The top ten species of hybrids are Paph. spp., including Paph. bellatulum (Rcnb. F.) Stein., Paph. insigne (Lindl.) Pfitz. and Paph. spicerianum (H. G. Reichenbach) Pfitzer., followed by Cymb. Insigne Rolfe. However, no hybrid has been registered with Paph. erythroanthum Z. J. Liu,X. Y. Liao & S. R. Lan, Paph. guangdongense Z. J. Liu & L. J. Chen, Paph. notatisepalum Z. J. Liu,M. Wang & S. R. Lan, and Cypr. subtropicum S. C. Chen & K. Y. Lang as parents. There are few hybrids with Paph. hangianum Perner & O. Gruss, Dend. flexicaule Z. H. Tsi, Dend. huoshanense C. Z. Tang et S. J. Cheng, Cymb. wenshanense Y. S. Wu et F. Y. Liu as parents, although these species are all excellent with potential breeding value. To improve the utilization of wild orchid germplasm resources in future breeding, we propose to make full use of these wild germplasm resources in intergeneric hybridization, in combination with molecular marker assisted selection technology. This article can provide reference for the hybrid breeding of the national first-class wild orchids, and provide support for the innovation of orchid germplasm resources and the sustainable development of the orchid industry.

    • >Research Articles
    • Survey, Collection and Diversity Analysis of Crop Germplasm Resources in Fujian Province, China

      2024, 25(3):340-355. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230609001

      Abstract (244) HTML (51) PDF 3.17 M (723) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:During the Third National Crop Germplasm Resource Survey and Collection Action in Fujian province from 2017 to 2022, total 6235 accessions of crop germplasm resources including local crop varieties and their wild relatives were collected. The numbers of vegetables, food grains, fruit trees, economic crops, and forage and green manure crops collected in this action accounted for 33.57%, 25.91%, 24.35%, 14.59%, and 1.57% respectively, and they belong to 83 families, 229 genera, and 313 species. Among these gerplasm resources, 16.04% belong to the Leguminosae faminly with the highest persentage. Different regions and altitudes were relevant to the species types and quantities of crop germplasm resources collected. Among the 9 prefecture level cities in the province, Sanming city had the highest number of germplasm resources, accounting for 20.65%. The number of crop germplasm resources decreased along with the increase of altitude. The number of collections at different altitude was correlated with the number of counties (cities, districts), townships(towns), and villages(streets). The Shannon-Wiener diversity index and Brillouin richness index were the highest at an altitude of 0-200 meters in the six prefecture level cities (Zhangzhou, Fuzhou, Ningde, Quanzhou, Putian, Xiamen) in coastal areas, while these two indexes are relatively high at the altitudes of 200-400 meters, 400-600 meters, and 600-800 meters in three mountainous areas, such as Longyan, Sanming, and Nanping, respectively. Through the correlation analyses of species diversity index in different prefecture level cities and altitude intervals, a highly significant positive correlation was detected between the Shannon-Wiener diversity index and Sanming and Longyan cities, while a highly significant negative correlation was detected between the Pielou evenness index and Putian and Longyan cities, which might be closely correlated to the agricultural economic zones in the province. Thus, by investigating the diversity of crop germplasm resources in Fujian province, this study provided reference and scientific basis for the development, utilization, and excavation of local crop germplasm resources to meet local demands.

    • Comprehensive Evaluation on Saline-alkali Tolerance of 286 Brassica napus Germplasm at Seedling Stage

      2024, 25(3):356-372. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230827002

      Abstract (368) HTML (75) PDF 1.39 M (989) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The salt-alkali tolerance of 286 brassica rapeseed strains at the seedling stage was identified in this study. The indexes of leaves number, green leaves number, green leaves rate,shoot length, root length, and root weight under salt-alkali stress were determined through a hydroponics test. Various methods including comprehensive assessment value (D-value), extreme material screening analysis, correlation analysis, principal component analysis, membership function analysis, frequency analysis and stepwise regression analysis were used. A comprehensive evaluation model for saline-alkali tolerance was established for different genotypes of rapeseed germplasm at the seedling stage and appropriate evaluation indexes were selected. Under saline-alkali stress conditions, leaves number showed a negative correlation with plant height but the correlation coefficient between them was not significant; however other traits showed positive correlations that reached a significant or extremely significant level. Principal component analysis was employed to synthesize 7 salt-alkali tolerance indexes into 4 principal components which could represent 88.349% of the original data information on rape′s salt-alkali tolerance. Based on the relative importance (weight) of these four principal components, a comprehensive evaluation value (D-value) for salt and alkali tolerance among different genotypes was obtained. Four alkali-salt-tolerant brassica napus germplasms and four saline-sensitive germplasms were screened using membership function analysis and extreme material screening analysis respectively. The results from stepwise regression analysis indicated that salinity tolerance in brassica napus germplasm resources could be determined by measuring the green leaves number, green leaves rate, shoot weight as well as root length and root weight at the seedling stage while estimating D-value using regression equations.

    • Genetic Diversity and Comprehensive Evaluation of 296 Peanuts Germplasm Resources in Guizhou

      2024, 25(3):373-385. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230918001

      Abstract (254) HTML (70) PDF 960.47 K (740) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The genetic diversity, correlation, principal component analysis, clustering and comprehensive evaluation were employed to analyze and assess agronomic traits of 296 peanut germplasm resources. The results revealed that the genetic diversity index for three quality traits ranged from 0.526-0.909, while the genetic diversity index for ten quantitative traits varied between 0.834-2.007. Additionally, the coefficient of variation ranged from 3.268%-68.198%. These findings indicated that these peanut germplasm resources possess abundant genetic information. Correlation analysis suggested significant associations between emergence uniformity, whole growth period, leaf shape, productivity per plant and yield. Principal component analysis extracted six principal components with a cumulative contribution rate of 78.336%, representing most of the agronomic traits. Cluster analysis divided this collection into two categories including four groups based on their characteristics related to high-yield potential, small-grain size, early-maturity or large-grain size. These groups can serve as candidate materials for future germplasm selection in breeding programs. A comprehensive score was constructed using fuzzy membership function based on contribution weights assigned to six principal components, which was shown as F=0.323F1+0.257F2+0.122F3+0.108F4+0.010F5+0.091F6. Four peanut germplasm resources displaying favorable comprehensive traits were selected as potential candidates for future peanut breeding. This study offering a theoretical basis for selecting appropriate parental lines and specific in future breeding programs.

    • Detection and Evaluation of Blast Resistance Genes in Backbone Indica Rice Parents from South China

      2024, 25(3):386-398. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230828001

      Abstract (149) HTML (37) PDF 1.17 M (718) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By deployment of 11 functional markers of blast resistance genes, including Pi2 Piz-t Pi9, Pi25Pi5Pita PiaPtrPi1Pikm, and Pi54, this study analyzed the resistance gene diversity in the newly-developed 90 indica rice varieties from south China. The results showed that 0, 3, 35, 38, 14, and 0 varieties exhibited high-resistance, resistance, moderate resistance, moderate susceptibility, susceptibility, and high-susceptibility, respectively. The results tested for blast resistance were highly correlated in years. By analyzing the correlation among different detection stages, significant positive correlations in seedling blast and leaf blast, seedling blast and neck blast, as well as leaf blast and neck blast were observed. Except Pi9, the frequency of other 10 resistance genes in population were 75.56% (Pi54), 70.0% (Pi5), 47.78% (Pi2), 31.11% (Pi25 and Pia), 20.0% (Ptr), 15.56% (Pi1), 13.32% (Pita), 4.44% (Pikm) and 1.11% (Piz-t), respectively. Moreover, the distribution frequency of 11 resistance genes varied significantly among parents from different provinces. Further results also indicated that as the number of resistance genes increased, the level of resistance of parents showed a corresponding upward trend. Furthermore, the contribution of different resistance gene combinations to improve the disease resistance of rice parents showed significant differences. The current study provided a basis for the rational distribution of resistant conventional indica rice varieties with different genotypes in South China.

    • Identification of Key Factors Applicable in Rapid Evaluation of Sugarcane Ratooning Ability

      2024, 25(3):399-412. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230808002

      Abstract (191) HTML (68) PDF 1.95 M (824) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Ratooning ability is a key trait in sugarcane breeding. But the high effective evaluation of ratooning ability is still a difficulty because of the long growth period of sugarcane. This study involved the utilization of 212 sugarcane germplasm resources gathered from diverse countries and regions. A rapid-cycled evaluation of sugarcane ratooning ability was performed in Longan city of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Kaiyuan city of Yunnan province, respectively. The assessment focused on the emergence rate of seedlings and aboveground stalk biomass during two seasons. The ratooning ability of sugarcane is greatly affected by environmental conditions, and extremely significant differences were found among four ratooning indexes at two field sites, and highly significant positive correlation were detected among theses indexes. Principal component analysis shows that only one principal component was extracted for both experimental sites, whose contribution rate reach to 80.25% in Kaiyuan site and 62.68% in Longan site. By using cluster analysis method, 212 germplasm resources were divided into 5 clusters. Cluster I contained 9 materials, each index for ratooning ability of them performed the highest level, belonging to the strongest ratooning ability germplasm resources. There were 38 materials belonged to cluster II and cluster III with higher level performance in indexes of ratooning ability. They could be as stronger ratooning germplasm resources to be used in future breeding plans. The rest 165 materials grouped into cluster IV and cluster V as weak ratooning ability clones. Based on above analyses, it is of great significance for the sustainable development of the sugarcane industry to utilize the elite materials to improve the ratooning ability of varieties.

    • Genetic Mapping of an Awn Mutant Gene cal-d in Barley

      2024, 25(3):413-420. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230817001

      Abstract (191) HTML (58) PDF 1.43 M (641) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Awn is an important part of spikes in crops such as wheat and barley, and plays a crucial role in improving grain yield, seed dispersal, and resistance to pests. Several awn mutants have been reported in barley, and its diploid characteristics make it an ideal genetic model for the morphological formation of awns in Triticeae crops. This study reported the genetic mapping of the gene cal-d of barley calcaroides awn-type mutant. The mutant belonged to base-hooked awn with a hooked-like structure between the top of lemma and the base of awn, and displayed a reduction significantly in plant height, spike and awn length, grain number per spike, and the delayed heading date. Genetic segregation analysis revealed that the trait of cal-d was controlled by a recessive gene. Firstly, the cal-d gene was preliminarily mapped to chromosome 3H, using the cal-d introgression line derived from a cross between BW106 and Bowman to combine the F2 population through genotyping by sequencing (GBS). With genotyping a total of 13,000 F2:3 plants derived from F2 heterozygous plants to fine-map the gene, cal-d was delimited ultimately between 153-329 Mb, where the meager recombination rate was observed. Nine candidate genes were identified by transcriptome sequencing analysis in combination with the barley genome and expression profile resource database. Collectively, the results lay the foundation for the cloning and functional verification of the cal-d gene in barley mutant, and have important significance for analyzing the function of awn in Triticeae crops.

    • Design and Application of Shanghai Agricultural Germplasm Resource Information Sharing Service Platform

      2024, 25(3):421-430. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230830001

      Abstract (161) HTML (52) PDF 2.21 M (695) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Shanghai agricultural germplasm resource information sharing service platform is a public information system that aims to achieve standard management and sharing utilization of agricultural germplasm resources in Shanghai. This system was required to satisfy large-scale diverse germplasms/species into different germplasm resource conservation departments. To meet the business needs of conservation departments, resource consumers and superior administration, we constructed the one-stop solution of sharing service platform using unified standards to integrate germplasm resources from multiple conservation departments. The platform provided the sub-systems enabling administrator of each conservation department to record germplasm, share data, approve the information of the application germplasm and collect feedback on utilization, enhancing normalization and sharing service of germplasm resource in conservation departments in Shanghai. For the consumers, this system provided personal accounts for germplasm application and utilization feedback uploading through simultaneously integrating multiple conservation departments. The main services included searching information, signing the introduction and utilization agreements, supplementing utilization feedback et al. For the superior administration, this system can generate the summarized statistics from different perspectives, which contributed to a potential way to continue to monitor overall sharing and utilization. The statistics contained the information of reserved germplasm resource in all conservation departments, report forms of germplasm resource distribution, summary of utilization efficiency, et al. The high-efficient sharing platform is able to provide a convenience for conservation departments, consumers and superior administration, therefore improving the efficiency on the protection and utilization of agricultural germplasm resources.

    • Microstructure Observation and QTL Mapping of Traits Related to Stalk Lodging Resistance in Brassica juncea

      2024, 25(3):431-439. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230904003

      Abstract (134) HTML (35) PDF 1.38 M (679) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Lodging is an important influencing factor that seriously reduces the yield and quality of rapeseed and is undesirable in mechanized production. Cultivation of rapeseed varieties with strong lodging resistance is an important measure to achieve mechanized production and high yield performance, while the focus of improving lodging resistance is to improve stem strength. Therefore, a recombinant inbred lines (RILs) population containing 197 mustard rapeseed lines was used in this paper. Six characters including stem diameter, fresh-dry ratio, stem filling degree, stem density, stem bending resistance and stem bending strength were investigated under two environmental conditions in Guiyang and Guiding in 2023, respectively. All 6 personality traits showed significant variation, ranging from 14.29%-41.35%, and were in line with a normal distribution. Correlation analysis under two environmental conditions shows a highly significant positive correlation in stem plumpness if compared to stem density and bending strength. Further observation was conducted on the microstructure of the stems of three types of materials showing high, medium, and low bending resistance. Compared to low resistance materials, high resistance materials have thicker cortex, more vascular bundles, tighter arrangement of vascular bundle, and a larger proportion of vascular bundle area. In addition, 4 QTL for stem thickness, 2 QTL for stem fresh-dry ratio, 2 QTL for stem plumpness, and 2 QTL for stem density; 4 QTL for stem bending resistance explained the phenotypic variation of 4.1%-5.1%; 9 QTL for stem strength explained the phenotypic variation of 7.5%-11.0%. The results of this study provided basic data information for future cloning of lodging resistance related genes in mustard rapeseed, becoming valuable for lodging resistance breeding in rapeseed.

    • Cloning and Functional Study of Cryptochrome Gene CoCRY1 from Camellia oleifera Abe.

      2024, 25(3):440-450. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230925002

      Abstract (177) HTML (47) PDF 2.34 M (663) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Camellia oleifera Abe. is an important woody oil tree in China, which has important economic and social benefits. Cryptochrome is one of the blue light receptors in plants, which is involved in the growth and development of plants such as flowering regulation and photomorphogenesis. In this study, CoCRY1 gene was cloned from C.oleifera 'Huashuo'. Bioinformatics analysis showed that CDS sequence length of CoCRY1 was 2262 bp encoding for 684 amino acids, the molecular formula of the CoCRY1 protein was C3454H5281N971O1027S18, and the molecular weight was 77.42 kDa, further analysis showed that this protein sequence contained three domains, namely DNA_photolyase, FAD_binding_7 and Cryptochrome_C, which proved that CoCRY1 protein belongs to cryptochrome family. Homologous sequence and phylogenetic tree analysis showed that CoCRY1 protein had the highest similarity with the homologous sequence of tea tree (Camellia sinensis). Tissue expression analysis showed that the transcripts of CoCRY1 were the highest in stem and the lowest in flower. Arabidopsis thaliana plants with heterogenous expression of CoCRY1 gene were obtained by Agrobacterium transformation, and transgenic plants were identified from DNA and RNA level. Phenotypic analysis of transgenic Arabidopsis showed that overexpression of CoCRY1 gene induced early flowering under long day londition and had photospectific inhibitory effect on hypocotyl elongation. Through bioinformatics, quantitative analysis and heterologous expression, it was found that CoCRY1 gene plays an important role in the biological process of C.oleifera flowering.

    • Based on Selective Sweep Analysis Mining Candidate Genes of Heterostyly in Forsythia suspensa

      2024, 25(3):451-461. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230907001

      Abstract (178) HTML (58) PDF 1.95 M (703) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Forsythia suspensa (Thunb.) Vahl is a perennial woody plant with dimorphic style and self-incompatibility. Mining the candidate genes for the development of heterostyly in Forsythia suspensa is of significance to reveal its evolution and development mechanism. The whole genome resequencing of 40 long style morph and short style morph Forsythia suspensa plants were conducted, followed by the SNP variation sites detection in the sample genome and the selection sweep analysis. The candidate regions (top 5% level) were screened by the combination of genetic differentiation coefficient Fst and the nucleotide polymorphism π ratio. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were analyzed by GO and KEGG enrichment annotation, and qRT-PCR was used to detect the transcriptional profiles of candidate genes at different periods of style development. Selective sweep analysis showed that 295 genes were under selection, which mainly played an important role in plant growth and development and metabolic regulation. By analyzing the pathways in plant hormone regulation, the candidate genes CYP734A1EVM0010386), BRI1EVM0011829) and CYCD3EVM0018316) of heterostyly in Forsythia suspense were analyzed. The gene expression results indicated that the CYP734A1 gene has sustained high expression during the critical period of development in F. suspensa's S-morph flowers. The BRI1 and CYCD3 genes in the S-morph were significantly higher than those in the L-morph during the crown exposure period. The candidate genes excavated in this study were differentially expressed in the L-morph and S-morph style of F. suspensa. Brassinosteroids was involved in the development of the heterostyly in F. suspensa, which was one of the reasons for heterostyly of F. suspensa. Collectively, this study laid a foundation for the evolution and genetic development regulation mechanism of heterostyly in F. suspensa.

    • Cloning and Expression Analysis of CCoAOMT and SAMS Genes in Impatiens Hawkeri

      2024, 25(3):462-471. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230818001

      Abstract (137) HTML (39) PDF 1.63 M (669) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Through cloning and analyzing the expression of the CCoAOMT and SAMS genes in Impatiens hawkeri, we provided a theoretical basis for understanding the biosynthesis of 2-methoxy-1,4-naphthoquinone (MNQ). Based on the quantification of MNQ content and the transcriptome profile datasets in I. hawkeri , one CCoAOMT and two SAMS genes of I. hawkeri were identified and cloned, named IhCCoAOMTIhSAMS1 and IhSAMS2. Three treatments including light, dark and DHNA(1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate) could promote the MNQ accumulation, with best performance under dark culture. The full-length coding sequence of IhCCoAOMT is 729 bp and encodes 242 aa containing the AdoMet_MTases superfamily domain. The CDS of IhSAMS1 and IhSAMS2 are 1179 bp and 1173 bp, which encode 393 aa and 391 aa, respectively. Their deduced proteins were predicted with the S-AdoMet_synt superfamily domain. Phylogenetic analysis showed that IhCCoAOMT was closely related to I. glandulifera. IhSAMS1 and IhSAMS2 of I. hawkeri may be paralogous genes. These genes were detected with transcripts at four culture periods under three treatments. The expression level of IhCCoAOMT increased in dark culture and DHNA treatment, and the highest expression was found on 60 days post dark culture. The expression levels of IhSAMS1 and IhSAMS2 were decreased in dark culture and DHNA treatment. The expression level of IhSAMS1 was higher than that in DHNA treatment, and a higher expression of IhSAMS2 was observed under dark culture treatment. Collectively, IhCCoAOMT was speculated with a key role at the late stage of MNQ treatment, while IhSAMS1 and IhSAMS2, especially for IhSAMS2, possibly played roles at the early stage.

    • OsGSK2 Interacts with OsGLK1 to Regulate Chlorophyll Synthesis and Chloroplast Development in Rice

      2024, 25(3):472-481. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230821001

      Abstract (174) HTML (53) PDF 1.74 M (655) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Chlorophyll is an important pigment in rice photosynthesis, and its synthesis determines the efficiency of photosynthesis, ultimately affecting plant yield and quality. In this study, it was found that the glycogen synthase kinase OsGSK2 overexpressed Go-2 plants exhibited a dark green leaf phenotype at heading date. Compared to the wild type, the contents of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and carotenoids in Go-2 plants significantly increased. The observation results of transmission electron microscopy showed that compared to the wild type, the chloroplast thylakoid layers of Go-2 plants increased. Yeast two hybrid "one-to-one" experiment confirmed the interaction between OsGSK2 and the Golden2-Like transcription factor OsGLK1, and further confirmed the interaction between OsGSK2 and OsGLK1 through bimolecular fluorescence complementarity experiments. By detecting dual luciferase activity in rice protoplasts, it was found that compared to single transgenic OsGLK1, co transfection of OsGSK2 and OsGLK1 significantly increased the expression level of downstream target genes. The fluorescence quantitative PCR results showed that compared to the wild-type, the transcription levels of target genes (OsPORBOsCAO1LHCB6, etc) directly regulated by OsGLK1 were significantly up-regulated in Go-2 plants. These results provided preliminarily insights on the molecular mechanism of the interaction between OsGSK2 and OsGLK1 in regulating rice chlorophyll synthesis and chloroplast development, extending the molecular function of rice glycogen synthase kinase, enriching the regulation network of rice leaf color, and providing theoretical basis for high photosynthetic molecular breeding in rice.

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