• Volume 25,Issue 8,2024 Table of Contents
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    • >Review
    • Advances in Research Medicinal and Edible Homologous Plant of Oenanthe javanica

      2024, 25(8):1221-1233. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20240108005

      Abstract (160) HTML (60) PDF 4.34 M (569) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Oenanthe javanica(Bl.)DC. is a perennial aquatic vegetable plant in Oenanthe L. of Umbelliferae. It is rich in nutrients composition and a variety of functional bioactive ingredients, and it’s also a medicinal and edible vegetable with health benefits. China has abundant germplasm resources of O. javanica, whose utilization involves edible, medicinal, sewage purification, extraction and processing and other aspects. But there are few researches on breeding and its molecular mechanism. The paper summarized the progress in germplasm resources, nutritional quality, physiology and biochemistry, breeding, genetics, and omics research of O. javanica in the past 20 years. The contents include: (1) the research on the Umbelliferae plants and O. javanica germplasm resources; (2) the study on nutritional quality and growth regulation of O. javanica; (3) the physiology, biochemistry and secondary metabolites of O. javanica; (4) the study on functional genes and omics of O. javanica, which include genomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics and proteomics. This study aims to provide theoretical basis for resource innovation and protection, genetic breeding, gene mining, processing, cultivation, and environmental governance of O. javanica in China.

    • Research Progress of Resource Development and Iipid Metabolism Engineering Improvement on Pennycress

      2024, 25(8):1234-1244. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20231009005

      Abstract (93) HTML (24) PDF 1.89 M (517) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.) belongs to the Thlaspi genus of the Cruciferae family, which is a dual-role herb plant with both medical and food usages. Pennycress has strong ecological adaptability and can accumulate abundant oil in the seed, hence displaying great values in the resource development and utilization. In recent years, with the rapid progress made in the modern life science research, advantages of pennycress were broadly investigated, a variety of fundamental and application researches have thus been conducted. In this respect, the domestic reports about pennycress in China were mainly focused on the extraction of functional active substances and their clinical effects, while the studies developed abroad preferred to explore its ecological value in the agricultural production cycle and the lipid metabolism regulatory mechanisms. Numerous researches have both indicated that pennycress not only possess great potentials in the biodiesel preparation and support the oil supplement, but also could serve as a favorable candidate in the novel medicine development. Meanwhile, being benefited from the publishing of the whole genome information of pennycress, it has become possible to carry out the molecular breeding improvement. For example, the genome editing technology was successfully applied to alter the pennycress seed fatty acid composition to achieve a more desirable trait to meet the edible oil demand, not to mention the mining of other useful functional genes within pennycress that may assist the crop production and stress resistance amelioration. Metabolic engineering of the pennycress lipid property in order to develop novel vegetable oil, or even heterologously produce high-value fatty acid (e.g. nervonic acid etc.) has shown great prospect as one of the pennycress development directions. This paper therefore summarized and envisaged the recent progresses of the resource development and utilization and the lipid metabolic engineering on pennycress, aiming to provide reference for the study, popularization and application of pennycress in China.

    • >Research Articles
    • QTLs Analysis for Salinity Tolerance at Seedling Stage Using Chromosome Segment Substitution Lines of Dongxiang Common Wild Rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.)

      2024, 25(8):1245-1253. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20231101003

      Abstract (109) HTML (128) PDF 2.08 M (442) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In our laboratory, we created a chromosome fragment substitution line CSSL91, with high salinity-tolerance, using Dongxiang common wild rice and Nipponbare as parents. In this study, it was compared with Nipponbare and Pokkali, a strong salt-tolerant germplasm, and the results showed that the salt tolerance of CSSL91 was comparable to that of Pokkali. Using the F2:3 population constructed by CSSL91 and Nipponbare, the phenotypes were normally distributed with salt tolerance grade and seedling survival rate as indicators. QTL linkage location analysis showed that a total of five salinity tolerance-related QTLs were detected, which were distributed on chromosomes 4, 9, and 10, with the LOD values ranging from 2.95 to 3.97, and the phenotypic contribution rates ranging from 9.83% to 18.48%. Among that QTL-qST4 is the highest phenotypic contribution in the salt tolerance grade, which was located between DX-C4-1 and DX-S4-16 markers on chromosome 4. Simultaneously, the bulked segregation analysis (BSA) detected a QTL exceeding the threshold value in the interval of 0-5.0 Mb on chromosome 4, which was overlapped with QTL-qST4, indicating that QTL-qST4 was a reliable salinity tolerance locus; QTL-qST4-1 and QTL-qSSR4 based on salt tolerance grade and seedling survival, respectively, were both located between markers DX-C4-12 and DX-C4-13 on chromosome 4, with LOD values of 3.36 and 3.92, and phenotypic contributions of 13.97% and 9.49%, respectively. Two QTLs based on salt tolerance grades, QTL-qST9 and QTL-qST10, were located on chromosomes 9 and 10, respectively. QTL-qST4-1, QTL-qSSR4 and QTL-qST10 are the new QTLs with salinity tolerance in this study. The results of the present study will lay a foundation for the cloning of salinity tolerance-related genes and molecular markers to assist in the improvement of rice varieties in terms of salt tolerance.

    • Phenotypic Diversity Analysis and Comprehensive Evaluation of 143 Agropyron Germplasm Resources in Inner Mongolia, China

      2024, 25(8):1254-1267. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20231109006

      Abstract (133) HTML (82) PDF 2.85 M (458) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A total of 143 germplasm resources of Agropyron genus, which were collected from 10 cities and regions in Inner Mongolia, China, were studied for phenotypic variations at 17 traits. Appraise were performed using the coefficient of variation, genetic diversity index, correlation, principal component, clustering and grey correlation analysis, and elite germplasm resources were identified. The results showed that the 17 phenotypic traits had great variation and rich genetic diversity. The coefficient of variation ranged from 11.47% to 93.92% , with an average of 42.80%. The coefficient of variation of leaf width was the highest, and the dispersion of seed length was the lowest. The genetic diversity index (H') ranged from 1.279 to 2.025, with an average of 1.721. The diversity index of glume length was the highest, and lowest for spikelet length. There were correlations among 17 phenotypic traits to varying degrees. The contribution rate of the first six principal component factors was 5.934%-20.885%, with the cumulative contribution rate of 69.866%. These germplasms were divided into three groups by cluster analysis. Cluster I had the best comprehensive traits, with prominent spikelet number and floret number, and high yield potential, including 27 accessions. Cluster II, containing 23 accessions, had general traits and higher seed traits. Cluster III was poor in general character with higher plant height, containing 93 accessions. By taking use of the grey correlation method to evaluate these germplasm, these traits including the 1000-grain weight, spikelet number, leaf tongue length, leaf width and leaf area could be deployed as indexes in germplasm evaluation. Elite germplasm resources showing coordinated comprehensive traits such as A.cristatum accessions 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 35, 43, as well as A.cristatum var.pluriflorum accessions 92, 136 and 142, can be used for genetic improvement and breeding of ice grass.

    • Evaluation of Wheat Pre-Harvest Sprouting Resistant Germplasm Resources and Their Preliminary Application

      2024, 25(8):1268-1282. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20231106003

      Abstract (103) HTML (67) PDF 4.36 M (500) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Wheat pre-harvest sprouting significantly reduces yield production and flour quality. It has been gradually aggravated in recent years, and destabilize the safety of wheat production in China, particularly in the Huanghuai region. Identification of pre-harvest sprouting resistant germplasm and functional molecular markers are of importance to accelerate pre-harvest sprouting resistant breeding. In this study, 77 pre-harvest sprouting resistant germplasms observed from field experiments and 128 advanced breeding lines from a rotational population introduced with six resistant germplasms were used. These genotypes were tested for pre-harvest sprouting resistance using the whole-split germination and seed germination methods, as well as genotyped by functional markers Vp1B3Dorm-B1, and PM19. 49.35% (38 of 77) of germplasm resources showed intermediate resistance, and 57.90%(22) of them contained functional resistance alleles of Vp1Ba or(and) Dorm-B1b. The germplasm resources Xinong 172, Kalango, Huaimai 40 and Yunong 186 were detected carrying both two functional alleles. 36.72% (47) of the advanced breeding lines showed intermediate resistance, of which 87.23% contained resistance alleles and 17.02% (8) contained two functional alleles. Stacking resistance loci can increase the level of pre-harvest sprouting resistance. In the germplasm resources, the whole-split germination and seed germination decreased from 36.65% and 34.99% in non-resistant individuals, respectively, to 18.17 % and 23.87 % in individuals with two resistance loci. The same pattern has been observed in advanced lines. There was a significant difference in the number of resistant loci between advanced materials and others. Among them, 17.02% of the materials with medium resistance level contained two resistance loci, while only 4.94% of the other materials without medium resistance level contained two resistance loci. This study deployed molecular markers and phenotypic characterization techniques to identify pre-harvest sprouting resistance germplasm, followed by germplasm innovation using dwarf failing rotation selection, which provided a basis for future improvement of wheat spike germination resistance in the Huanghuai region in China.

    • Barley Leaf Stripe Resistant Identification and Association Analysis with SSR Markers in Barley Germplasms

      2024, 25(8):1283-1296. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20231031007

      Abstract (81) HTML (31) PDF 2.11 M (464) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Barley leaf stripe is one of the most serious diseases affecting barley yield and quality. In order to determine the resistant differences of barley germplasm to Pyrenophora graminea and explore candidate markers associated with resistance to Pyrenophora graminea. In this study, we identified the genetic diversity and population structure of 137 barley germplasms by 97 SSR markers and combined them with the results of resistance identification for association analysis. The results showed that 18 accessions were identified to be immunity, 27 highly resistant, 28 resistant, 42 susceptible, and 22 highly susceptible by artificial inoculation with Pyrenophora graminea strain QWC. A total of 651 alleles were detected in 85 primer pairs, with an average of 7.57 alleles. The genetic diversity index ranged from 0.0401 to 0.8646, with an average value of 0.5799. Polymorphism information content ranged from 0.0393 to 0.8498, and the average was 0.5155, the genetic distances ranged from 0.1021 to 0.4807, with an average of 0.2774. The 137 barley germplasms were divided into four subpopulations by Cluster analysis and population structure analysis. A total of seven markers significantly (P<0.05) were obtainted to be associated with barley resistance to Pyrenophora graminea based on the general linear model, with the explained rates ranging from 5.80% to 17.89%, EBmatc0039 had the highest explained rate. EBmac77 and MGB357 were significantly associated with resistance to barley leaf stripe(P<0.01), the two markers' rate of phenotypic variation explained were 6.07% and 9.60% in General Linear Model. The results of this study can provide reference for barley resistance to Pyrenophora graminea breeding.

    • Study on Fruit Characteristics of Apricot Germplasm Resources in Pamir Plateau of Xinjiang

      2024, 25(8):1297-1308. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20231106002

      Abstract (68) HTML (29) PDF 5.10 M (448) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By analyzing the pulp,kernel and sweet/bitter characters of apricot in the Pamir Plateau of Xinjiang, the fruit characteristics of apricot in human domestication and cultivation were analyzed, and elite germplasm in cold region was identified. In this study, 15 qualitative traits, 20 quantitative traits and amygdalin content of 60 apricots from six townships in Tashkurgan County were measured, and identified by the correlation analysis, principal component analysis and comprehensive evaluation. The results showed that the altitude distribution of 60 apricot germplasm ranged from 2329.5 to 2730.0 m. 80.00% of the apricot fruits are sweet, and 96.67% have fuzz. The average soluble solid content of 60 germplasm resources was 16.07%, and 61.67% of germplasm resources showed soluble solid content over 15.00%. The taste of almonds is mainly sweet, and the flesh is mostly nucleated. The variation coefficients of 13 quantitative traits of stone ranged from 8.66% to 22.00%. The content of amygdalin ranged from 0.41 to 14.59 mg/g. 78.33% of germplasm resources were sweet kernel with the amygdalin content from 0.41 to 2.24 mg/g, while 21.67% of germplasm resources were bitter kernel with the amygdalin content from 2.76 to 14.59 mg/g. The correlation analysis showed that single fruit weight was positively correlated with 10 traits such as fruit length, and negatively correlated with stone rate. Principal component analysis showed that the cumulative variance contribution rate of the first five principal components was 83.255%. The traits such as single fruit weight, fruit length, fruit width, single stone weight, stone-form index, fruit-form index, kernel rate, stone rate and stone thickness might represent the basic information of these 20 quantitative traits. Kuke 9, Kuer 11, Qiru 16 and Kuke 13 were excellent resources in cold areas through comprehensive evaluation. The high soluble solid and sweet kernel of fruit were important target traits for human domestication and introduction in apricot.

    • Fruit Phenotypic Traits Diversity Analysis and Kernel-using Germplasm Evaluation of Jujube Natural Population in Inner Mongolia

      2024, 25(8):1309-1320. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20231109001

      Abstract (55) HTML (28) PDF 2.08 M (442) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To understand the variation characteristics of fruit phenotypic traits of jujube resources in Inner Mongolia, China, and identify elite germplasm resources, this study deployed statistical analysis, variance analysis and correlation analysis to analyze the 10 jujube natural populations. The kernel value was comprehensively evaluated by hierarchical grey relational method. The results showed: (1) The average coefficient of 16 fruit traits was 17.96%, and muti-kernel content rate in stone has highest variation coefficient. The average range of fruit phenotypic traits variation among populations ranged from 10.69% to 31.01%, and the highest variation coefficient from Alxa Zuoqi-Tengger Eris population. (2) Correlation analysis showed that there were different degrees of correlation among the traits of the fruit, stone and kernel. Fruit transverse diameter and stone longitudinal diameter were positively correlated with longitude, fruit transverse diameter and stone longitudinal diameter were positively correlated with latitude, indicators mentioned above were negatively correlated with altitude. Single kernel content rate in stone was negatively correlated with the mean annual temperature. Kernel jujuboside A content and spinosin content have no significant correlation between latitude, longitude, average annual rainfall, and altitude. (3) The comprehensive evaluation model was established by hierarchy-gray correlation method. The evaluation results showed that the comprehensive quality for kernel-using from 10 jujube natural populations was: P8>P5>P1>P7>P2>P9>P4>P3>P6>P10. Among which, the population from Hangjinqi-Balagong have obvious advantages compared with other populations. This study provided a scientific basis for the protection and utilization of jujube resources and breeding of kernel varieties.

    • Genetic Diversity and Fingerprint Analysis in 60 Founder Parents of Pepper Based on SSR Markers

      2024, 25(8):1321-1335. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230830002

      Abstract (81) HTML (22) PDF 2.91 M (396) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to reveal the genetic diversity of the backbone parents in pepper breeding in Jiangxi province, as well as decipher their DNA fingerprints, capillary electrophoresis and SSR molecular marker techniques were applied to analyze 60 pepper germplasms from Jiangxi province. The results showed that a total of 202 alleles were detected via 49 pairs of SSR primers, with an average of 4.122 alleles from each pair of primers and an average of 2.172 effective alleles. The mean value of Shannon’s information index was 0.850, and the polymorphism information content (PIC) was 0.414, indicating that the tested materials had abundant genetic diversity. The expected heterozygosity (0.475) was averagely greater than the observed heterozygosity (0.126), indicating that the homozygosity of the tested materials was high through continuous selfing for multi-generations. The clustering analysis, population structure analysis and principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) were used to classify the tested materials, and the 60 germplasms were separated into three sets, two populations and three groups, respectively. The consistency of results from different clustering methods supported that the founder parents of pepper breeding in Jiangxi province were mainly from the southern China region and germplasms of small-fruit-type, with narrow genetic origination and relatively simple kinship. In addition, PM1, CAMS-855, CO911525S, PM22, HpmsE015 and Hpms1214 were identified as the core primers based on multi-loci matching analysis. Meanwhile, DNA fingerprints of the 60 pepper germplasms were deciphered by using the six core primers. This study provides a reliable basis for the characterization and protection of pepper resources, and for the selection of optimal parents in molecular assisted breeding.

    • Study on the Correlation between Chlorophyll Synthesis Metabolism and Skin Color Formation in Skin of Tender Fruit of Zucchini(Cucurbita pepo L.)

      2024, 25(8):1336-1346. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20231019002

      Abstract (74) HTML (19) PDF 2.16 M (399) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to explore the excellent germplasm resources of Cucurbita pepo L. and improve the selection efficiency of tender fruit appearance quality, this study classified the skin color of tender fruit using colorimeter in 54 self-bred lines of zucchini developed by our unit. Based on seven representative lines (including four key lines), the correlation between chlorophyll synthesis metabolism and its skin color formation was analyzed. The results showed that chlorophyll was the main pigment that determined the skin color such as partial white, light green, emerald (vivid) green,green and dark green. The chlorophyll a accounted for 49.20% to 60.58% of the total chlorophyll content, as the main determinant for the deep and light skin color. The emerald (vivid) green skin with the most vibrant and greenish color had significantly higher chromaticity value (C) than other skin color, while chlorophyll a/chlorophyll b and the red green value (a*) were significantly higher and lower respectively than those of partial white, light green, and dark green. The synthesis of chlorophyll in lines with dark green, emerald (vivid) green, and partial white maintained two bottlenecks: PBG to Urogen III, and Coprogen III to Proto-IX. However, the latter transition stage was the main reason in the chlorophyll synthesis blocked, and sudden decrease of chlorophyll content of partial white and emerald (vivid) green. There was a significant correlation between chlorophyll synthesis weaken and chlase in chlorophyll metabolism enzyme activity enhance degradation, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities weaken, those also the reason of partial white skin color. SOD and CAT activities in antioxidant enzymes were significantly correlated with the chlorophyll content of the skin of tender fruit, thereby SOD and CAT delaying the rate of chlorophyll reduction in emerald (vivid) green and dark green. This study provided theoretical basis and technical support for in-depth analysis of different skin color of tender fruit especially the color formation mechanism of emerald (vivid) green, and for the exploration and utilization of relevant excellent and specific resource materials.

    • Evaluation on Main Biological Characters of Host-plant Haloxylon ammodendron and Haloxylon persicum of Cistanche deserticola

      2024, 25(8):1347-1355. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20231023003

      Abstract (73) HTML (23) PDF 5.13 M (405) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Haloxylon ammodendron and Haloxylon persicum, belonging to the family Amaranthaceae, genus Haloxylon Bunge, serve as host plants for Cistanche deserticola. They are widely distributed in the arid zones of China. In this study, biological characteristics and agronomic traits of both species were mainly compared by field observation and molecular identification. The results showed that there were significant differences in phenotypic characters, agronomic traits and pollen structure. Notably, the fruit wing length and 1000-grain weight in H. ammodendron were significantly lower compared to those of H. persicum, but the germination rate and germination potential were significantly higher compared to those of H. persicum. The pollen volume and surface particle structure of H. ammodendron were significantly smaller than those of H. persicum. Additionally, the pollen net of H. ammodendron exhibited a deep structure, while it was shallow and most of it protruding outwards in H. persicum pollens. The correlational analysis revealed significant positive correlations between the agronomic indexes of both H. ammodendron and H. persicum and climate factors such as temperature and humidity. Water and light are the primary limiting factors for the geographic distribution H. persicum in Junggar Basin of Xinjiang, while environmental adaptations of H. ammodendron were found to be stronger. H. ammodendron and H. persicum can be effectively identified by ITS barcode, and both of them can be parasitized by C. deserticola. However, the survival rate of C. deserticola were different. According to their biological characteristics, cultivating H. ammodendron is with priority in the production of cistanches herba. This study provided a scientific basis for the identification and conservation of Haloxylon, as well as the selection of optimal hosts for C. deserticola.

    • Effects on Amino Acid Levels and Transcriptome in Early Developmental Endosperm of Zea mays L. under Low Nitrogen Stress Treatment

      2024, 25(8):1356-1369. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20231101002

      Abstract (98) HTML (53) PDF 4.31 M (446) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Nitrogen is an essential nutrient element that affects the growth and development, yield and grain quality of maize (Zea mays L.). To explore the key genes of maize endosperm in early development in response to low nitrogen stress treatment and reveal the physiological responses and molecular mechanism of maize endosperm against low nitrogen stress, the amino acids content and amino acid derivatives analysis, as well as transcriptome sequencing were performed on inbred line B73 kernel treated by low nitrogen and full nitrogen on six days after pollination. Physiological measurement showed that the contents of 10 amino acids or amino acid derivatives increased under low nitrogen stress, and the contents of threonine, β-amino-isobutyric acid, histidine, β-alanine, and lysine increased the most, with the increase ranged from 71.1% to 153.1%. The contents of other 21 amino acids or amino acid derivatives decreased, and the contents of ornithine, cystine, asparagine, phenylalanine, and α-aminobutyric acid decreased the most, with the decrease varied from 51.6% to 65.8%. Transcriptomic analysis showed that compared with sufficient nitrogen treatment, the 3,185 significantly up-regulated and 2,612 significantly down-regulated differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified in maize kernel under low nitrogen stress, respectively. In addition, a total of 12, 9, 20, 10, and 21 DEGs/differentially expressed transcription factors were detected in the nitrogen metabolism pathway, cyanoamino acid metabolism pathway, as well as AP2/ERF-ERFbZIP, and WRKY transcription factor families, respectively. Therefore, these candidate genes may be important gene resources for maize endosperm response to low nitrogen stress, which may lay a foundation for the molecular mechanism of maize endosperm response to low nitrogen stress and develop low nitrogen tolerance maize varieties.

    • Transcriptomics of Glucose Metabolism in Quinoa Seeds under Drought Stress Treatment

      2024, 25(8):1370-1384. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20231109002

      Abstract (104) HTML (23) PDF 6.18 M (421) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) has rich nutritional and strong stress resistance. In this study, two kinds of quinoa germplasm materials, M059 (fast radicule growth) and M024 (slow radicule growth), were used to simulate drought stress with PEG-6000. The anatomical structure of seed phenotypes was observed, glucose contents were determined in germinated seeds, and transcripome sequencing was performed on materials treated with normal water and drought. The results of seed phenotype and glucose contents determination showed that the radicles length of M059 and M024 decreased by 68.65% and 71.43%, respectively, after 15% PEG-6000 treatment for 24 h compared with normal water treatment. Under normal water treatment conditions, the contents of total soluble sugar, sucrose, glucose and fructose in M059 were 18.58%, 97.84%, 70.54% and 32.77% higher than those in M024. After being treated with 15% PEG-6000 for 24 h, the sucrose content of M024 was 23.01% higher than that of M059, and the soluble total sugar and glucose content of M059 were 7.26% and 25.00% higher than that of M024, respectively. Venn diagram analysis showed that there were 211 differentially expressed genes in C1vsD1, C2vsD2, C1vsC2 and D1vsD2 comparison groups, and 132, 1270, 578 and 914 differentially expressed genes, respectively. GO and KEGG enrichment analyses showed that 5 GO terms and 3 metabolic pathways were closely related to the molecular response of glucose metabolism in quinoa seeds under drought stress. Based on functional annotations of differentially expressed genes, there were 10 differentially expressed genes (LOC110702784_AGAL2, LOC110719866_INV1, LOC110717843_TPPJ, LOC29490_CELB, LOC110719843_bg1x, LOC110689796_SUS1, LOC110690728_MAN6, LOC110729879_HK2, LOC110712726_EGLC, LOC110734349_FK7) were related to glucose metabolism, and the qRT-PCR verification results of these 10 differentially expressed genes were consistent with the transcriptomic results. The results of this study will provide reference for further analysis of the molecular regulatory mechanism under drought stress in quinoa.

    • Transcriptome Analysis of the Netted Mutant in Watermelon

      2024, 25(8):1385-1395. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230915001

      Abstract (82) HTML (22) PDF 3.80 M (395) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to explore the genetic basis of netted rind in watermelon, segregated population was constructed by hybridization between the inbred line (TD) that with striped rind and the mutant line (WT) that with netted rind. The segregation patterns in F2, BC1P1 and BC1P2 populations showed that the striped rind is controlled by a single dominant gene. Transcriptome sequencing and differential expression analysis were conducted for TD and WT rind at different developmental stages. A total of 57 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified between the two genotypes, primarily enriched in seven metabolic pathways, including photosynthesis, alkaloid biosynthesis, and amino acid metabolism. Further exploration of hub genes through weighted gene co-expression network analysis (WGCNA) revealed those related to biotic stress resistance in the netted mutant. Key genes encoding ClGS, cystatin 5, UDP-glucosyltransferase, vinorine synthase, and chlorophyll a-b binding protein were identified as potential determinants of the netted rind. qRT-PCR was applied to validate partial DEGs. This study provides new germplasm resources for watermelon breeding with various rind patterns, and offers a theoretical basis for elucidating the molecular regulatory mechanisms underlying the formation of the rind patterns in watermelon.

    • Study on the Effect of Tomato Glycosyltransferase Gene SlUDP in Improving Cadmium Stress Tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana L.

      2024, 25(8):1396-1408. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20231023002

      Abstract (82) HTML (17) PDF 5.16 M (409) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Cadmium (Cd) stress severely restricts plant growth, so it is particularly important to identify genes associated with plant cadmium stress tolerance. The UDP-glycosyltransferase gene (SlUDP) of tomato was screened by transcriptome data in response to cadmium stress in preliminary tests. In this research, the full-length sequence of the coding region of SlUDP gene was cloned, the expression of the gene were higher in leaves and fruits than other tissues, and the expression of the gene was up-regulated by cadmium stress. Cadmium tolerance analysis of yeast showed that the transfer of SlUDP gene improved the tolerance of cadmium stress in yeast. SlUDP-overexpressed Arabidopsis thaliana lines were obtained further, and the degree of cotyledonous greening of Arabidopsis overexpressing lines decreased under CdCl2 stress (40, 60, and 80 μM/L) compared with wild-type lines. The germination rate, root length and seed survival rate increased, while the malondialdehyde content decreased, meanwhile the soluble sugar content, superoxide dismutase activity and peroxidase activity increased, the expression levels of metal ion transporter genes ZIP1 IRT1CSD1 and COPT2 were significantly higher than those of wild type. These results showed that the SlUDP overexpression line improved the cadmium tolerance of plants by regulating the antioxidant enzyme system, improving the ability of plants to scavenge reactive oxygen species, reducing the degree of membrane lipid peroxidation, and improving metal ion transport. This study provides a theoretical basis for the study of the role of glycosyltransferase genes in plant tolerance to cadmium stress, and provides candidate genes for molecular breeding of horticultural plant resistance.

    • Construction of Information Management System and Service Platform of National Bougainvillea Germplasm Resource Center

      2024, 25(8):1409-1416. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20231023001

      Abstract (73) HTML (36) PDF 4.11 M (569) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Bougainvillea with long flowering period, large amount of flowers, strong resistance and various forms of application, has become the fastest growing woody flowers in southern China of sunrise flower industry. With the improvement of horticultural technology and the expansion of international germplasm exchanges, the number of Bougainvillea varieties is continuously increasing. However, the cases of homonym and synonym in Bougainvillea brought considerable difficulties to the collection and preservation of resources. Xiamen Botanical Garden, as the national Bougainvillea germplasm resource center, has initially built an information management system and service platform based on B/S model and using modern management information system, achieving efficient management of the germplasm resource bank. This paper introduces the platform architecture, database design, technology realization and platform function composition in detail. Through improving the efficiency of information management, we aim to promote the collection, protection, research, evaluation and application of germplasm resources of Bougainvillea. In addition, the design and development concept of the platform can also provide reference for the construction of information management systems and service platforms in other flower.

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